The Award will be granted for the eighth time in spring 2024. Poets may only be entered into the competition by translators who will undertake to translate their work into Polish.
For the 2022-24 edition, submissions will be accepted from poets writing in the following languages and their varieties: Bulgarian; Croatian with Kajkavian and Chakavian dialects; Finnish; French, Franco-Provençal and Provençal (Occitan), including Romance dialects; Latvian; Dutch, Flemish and the Frisian and Afrikaans languages; Portuguese; Romance (Romani) including Para-Romani and other dialects.
Applications with 5-8 translated poems should be sent by 30 September 2022 to the Award Office located at the City Culture Institute. Details and the call for entries for the 2022-24 edition of the Award are available in Polish HERE.