Dorta Jagić

Dorta Jagić, Croatia, transl. Małgorzata Wierzbicka
2014: Dorta Jagić
A selection of poems
Dorta Jagić

Dorta Jagić (b. 1974) studied philosophy and completed religious studies (but does not divulge at which university). She is currently working on a dictionary of Biblical women. She likes to travel. For her debut poetry volume (Plahta preko glave, 1999), Jagić received the prestigious Croatian poetry award “Goran za mlade pjesnike”. In 2007, she received the Balkan Grand Prize for Poetry at an international poetry festival in Romania. Jagić is also the author of numerous short stories published in Croatian magazines. She collaborates with amateur, experimental student theatres.
Małgorzata Wierzbicka

Małgorzata Wierzbicka is the Serbo-Croatian and Polish studies graduate from the University of Warsaw. In 1986 she started her work as the translator in Polish Academy of Science, in 1989 she worked in the press bureau of the Round Table (political body of Polish transformation) and later on in “Solidarność” Parlamentary Club. Since 1992 she works in the diplomacy (Zagreb, Lubljana, Belgrade, Bratislava). In 1980s she published papers in academic journals. Her translations were published in numerous Polish journals.